In Puri town, to the western side of Gundicha temple and to the east of the sacred Indradyumna tank there is a temple known as the Yagna Narasimha temple. Devotees can approach the temple on the right side of the road leading from Gundicha temple towards matiapara sqaure.
The temple is facing towards west and the height of the temple is about 60ft. Local people also called this temple as Nrusingha Temple and NrusimhaTemple.
The presiding deity is Lord Narasimha.
There are two images of Lord Narasimha inside the temple, onebehind the other. The image in front is called Santa Narasimha. In local language ‘Santa’ means ‘Calm’ or ‘Sober’. Anyone who sees this image of Lord Narasimha will have his anger, frustration, and anxiety will vanish.
The Deity in the back is called Ugra Narasimha. In local language ‘Ugra’ means ‘Angry’. He is the internal mood of Narasimha. , Narasimha’s features are humanlike.
He has a sharp human nose, a large curly mustache, and an outstretched tongue. NonHindus are not permitted in the temple, but the Deities are visible from the door.
There is a story behind the name of the temple as ‘Yagna Narasimha’. As depicted in the purana once KingIndradyumna stayed near Nilakantheswar temple to make arrangements to perform Aswamedha Yagna
(Horse sacrifice) for one thousand years.
On the advice of Sage Narada, King Indradyumna made a Nrusimhaimage out of black stone and placed the image under black sandal wood tree and worshipped Him.
It is believed that in front of this temple the Aswamedha Yagna took place and hence He known as ‘Yagna
Narasimha’. Devotees will earn more punya if they make a darsana of Sri Nilakantheswar, Yagna Narasimha and Panchamukhi Hanuman (Lord Hanuman image with five faced) after the sacred bath in Indradyumna