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Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Adhyatmika Peetham

Sri Viswa Viznana Vidya Adhyatmika Peetham is a Divine Institution, was initially at Baghdad, Arabia. Then it moved to Persia and then came to India in 1472 A.D. In India it was established at Delhi and remained there for six generations. The Head of this Institution came to India during the tenure of the Emperor Babur. From Babur to Aurangajeb six generations of Mughal Emperors have ruled India. The heads of this institution (the great master’s lineage) of six generations also remained at Delhi along with Mughal Emperors. Emperor Sha-jahan’s eldest son Prince Dara was a Sufivedantin. Princess Jebunnisa daughter of Emperor Aurangajeb was also a follower of Sufism. The spiritual Master of Princess Jebunnisa was one of the previous Heads of this institution. From this it can be inferred that the Heads of this Divine Institution were the Spiritual Masters of Mughal emperors.

During the tenure of the Mughal Emperor Aurangjeb, owing to religious intolerance he ordered the execution of Sarmad Hussein (Sarmad Shahid), a contemporary to the Head of this Peetham Sri Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru. In pursuance of the Emperor’s order Sarmad Hussein was beheaded (around 1700 A.D). Then an incredulous event occurred! Sarmad Hussein’s trunk walked up to the place where the head was thrown and lifted it with hands and holding it firmly, walked up to the wall, dipped its finger in the cut off head and wrote a curse with blood on the wall which proclaims: This will be the end of the Mughal rule. Consequently Emperor Aurangjeb died in 1707and then the rule of Mughal dynasty declined gradually.

The contemporary Head of this Peetham, Sri Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru had strongly condemned the Emperor’s religious intolerance and the execution of Sarmad Hussein and other religious leaders of His time and left Delhi and reached Hyderabad (around 1700 A.D). Hyderabad Navab Thanesha gave two Jagirs (land gift) to establish this Peetham at Kottam and Tuni to Him. The Heads of this Peetham have made Pithapuram their abode and established this Divine Institution then onwards.

The great Master Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru was the first Head of the Peetham who came to Pithapuram from Hyderabad and established this Peetham at Pithapuram. Sri Madin Kabir Sha was a disciple of the Great Sufi Master Phiran-E-Peer, the descendent and spiritual successor of Prophet Mohammad. Sri Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru had followed the preaching of His Master, performed great penance and accomplished in it .He had number of disciples. Sri Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru was called the “Philosopher from Medina” by his contemporaries. The Heads of this institution were poets. They have composed most sublime poetry in respective languages of the countries, where they had stayed. The great master Madin Kabir Sha Sathguru composed spiritual poetry in Arabic and Parsee languages. History reveals that, his contemporary public, requested him to display a miracle in testimony of his divine power and brought several cartloads of firewood, made a big pyre and asked him to sit on it. He had laid himself on the fire for 3 hours and 12 minutes comfortably and came out of it unhurt as if it was a bed of roses and thus he had shown the power of his abstract contemplation. His first-born son Sri Madharsha Sathguru succeeded him to be the Peethadhipathi (Head of the Institution). Similarly Sri Hasan Miya Sha Sathguru, the first-born son of Sri Madharsha had succeeded him.

Later, he was succeeded by his first-born son Sri Kahene Sha Vali Sathguru, who was a great philosopher. When Sri Kahene Sha Vali Sathguru was at a tender age (about five years old), his father had left the body and got synthesized with cosmic eternity. Hence he was initiated by Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru with the Mahamantra (Mystic syllables), which is the essence of this Peetham. So, Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru had reestablished this Peetham.

When Kahene Sha Vali was a boy, he had a vision of a great saint (Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru ) and in that vision the saint told him,” In your lineage the embodiment of divinity is shining in the form of the Peethadhipathyam (Master-hood of this great seat of Cosmic Wisdom), which is in reality the essence of spiritualism. Prior to you, your father was the Head of this institution. In your childhood itself, he had dropped his body and merged himself with the eternity. It appears to be ceased. Therefore it is necessary for you to exercise authority over the Peetham (Institution) as Peethadhipathi (Head of the Institution). Now I feel it required to reveal this Mahamantra (mystic syllables) to awaken you (into boundless Cosmic Form consisting of the Miraculous Brilliant Divine Light) and reestablish this Peetham. So you may realize this esoteric Truth”. Subsequently, when Kahene Sha Vali was going to school, the great saint who had appeared in his vision, came in person, spoke the same words in the same way, as per that vision and initiated him by granting the same Mahamantra (mystic syllables).

The Peethadhipathis (Heads of the Institution) give the same Mahamantra (mystic syllables), in the same manner, which was granted by Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru to Sri Kahene Sha Vali Sathguru, to their disciples to awaken them. Since then Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru has been honored as Vamsa Guru the Preceptor of the Great Master’s Lineage and will be honored in the same way till the end of this creation. During the tenure of Kahene Sha Vali Sathhguru, he composed a great deal of mystic verse and named it “Kalki Bhagavatam”, which reveals the mystic transformation of soul into Eeswara (God).

In this Peetham, Peethadhipathyam (lordship of the Institution) is transferred from the firstborn son to his firstborn son. The Peethadhipathi is Sathguru (True Master and embodiment of the Truth).

Sri Akhail Ali Sha Sathguru the Spiritual Master of this Great Master’s Lineage showered his blessings on this Peetham and proclaimed that: This Peetham was born along with the Sun and the Moon and will continue in the same manner till they disappear.

Sri Kahene Sha Vali Sathguru’s first-born son Brahmarishi Sri Mohiddin Badsha Sathguru succeeded him and led about eight thousand disciples in his tenure. He was a great scholar in Telugu, Parsee and Sanskrit. He wrote many Telugu spiritual songs “Para Tathwa Kirtanalu”, which reflect his own spiritual experiences.

His first-born son Brahmarishi Umar Ali Sha Sathguru became the sixth head of this Institution. He was a very famous poet. He was a great scholar in Sanskrit, Telugu, Parsee, Urdu, English and many other western languages. He was adorned by many titles like Maha Pandita (Great scholar) Moulavi, Mahakavi (Great poet) etc. The sweetness of his poetry excels that of Kali Dasa, the great poet of Sanskrit. In his tenure twenty thousand disciples were following the Peetham. His poetry named Sufi-Vedanta-Darsam in Telugu is an embodiment of the essence of spiritualism and it establishes the truth that, the living essence (life or spirit), has come in the form of man, is indeed the Rasaswarupa (Miraculous Brilliant Divine Light) of Eeswara (God).

Brahmarshi Umar Alisha Sathguru’s (6th Head) first born son Hussain Sha Sathguru took the lordship of the Peetham as 7th Peethadhipathi (7th Head) on 10-2-1945. He wrote a book Sha Tatwam ( Sha Philosophy) in Telugu. This book is an Upanishad (Divine message) manifested through his inner voice. During his time more than one Lakh twenty thousand (1, 20,000) disciples were following this Peetham.

Brahmarishi ( Supreme Saint) Shri Hussain Sha Sathguru’s first born son Brahmarishi Sri Mohiddin Badshah has succeeded him as 8th Peethadhipathi. He was a great  master in Jnanayoga. About Six lakh ( 0.6 million) disciples were following the Peetham during his tenure. He was great scholar and orator. With his blessings many disciples had accomplished in their Sadhana. He praised the glory of Sha Tatwam in five Telugu Poetic verses Pancha Ratnas the give gems. The Upanishad the Divine inner voice has manifested as Speeches of Brahmarshi Sri Mohiddin Badsha Sathuguru are compiled and published, as Tathwa Prabhodham in Telugu and now it is available in English as Precept of Philosophy. He synthesized in the Divine light on 31-Jul-1989.

Dr.Umar Alisha the First born son of Brahmarishi Sri Mohiddin Badsha Sathguru has taken over the lordship of Peetham as 9th Head on 9-9-1989.

At present the Peetham is paying special attention to the social service also apart from training the disciples in Jnana Marga  the spiritual path. For organizing social service programs Umar Alisha Rural Development Turst is formed. The trust is taking up many social welfare programs like Umar Alisha Akshara Jyothi with the aim of eradicating illiteracy, Health camps, Blood donation camps, free Homeo clinics to serve the rural people in big way. To propagate the spiritual knowledge and messages of the previous Peethadhipathis  a monthly magazine named Tatwa Jnanam is being published.

In hereditary proces the Lordship of the Peetham is taken over by the First-Born son of the Peethadhipathi the Head of the institution. This system of the Great Master’s lineage will continue forever till the Sun, Moon  and five elements exist.