> Iconic Temples > Aathar Sthalam
Aathara Stalam , divine representations of human anatomy
Aathara Stalam consists of six temples in South India and Varanasi, believed to represent the six chakras of the human body in Tantra philosophy. Each temple is associated with a chakra and is worshipped as an embodiment of divine energy.

“A athara Stalam refers to the six temples in South India and Varanasi, which are believed to be divine representations of the six chakras in the human body according to Tantra philosophy. The chakras are considered to be energy centers that correspond to different parts of the body, emotions, and spiritual experiences. Each temple is associated with one of these chakras and worshipped as an embodiment of divine energy.

Manipooragam - Arunachaleshwarar Temple, Thiruvannamalai The Manipooragam temple represents the third chakra, which is located in the spine directly behind the navel. It is associated with the element of fire and governs the qualities of power, will, self-esteem, and transformation. The temple is believed to be the center for overcoming spiritual ignorance, thirst, jealousy, treachery, shame, fear, disgust, delusion, foolishness, and sadness. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Arunachaleshwarar.

Swathistanam - Thiruvanaikaval Temple, Trichy The Swathistanam temple represents the second chakra, which is located in the sacral area of the body. It is associated with the element of water and governs the qualities of creativity, sensuality, and emotional balance. The temple is believed to be the center for awakening the Kundalini energy, which is said to be the dormant potential energy that resides in the base of the spine. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Jambukeswara.

Moolatharam - Thyagaraja Swamy Temple, Tiruvarur The Moolatharam temple represents the first chakra, which is located at the base of the spine. It is associated with the element of earth and governs the qualities of stability, security, and groundedness. The temple is believed to be the center for physical and material well-being. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Thyagaraja.

Anahata - Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi The Anahata temple represents the fourth chakra, which is located in the center of the chest. It is associated with the element of air and governs the qualities of love, compassion, and emotional balance. The temple is believed to be the center for spiritual awakening, self-realization, and liberation. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Vishwanath.

Visuthi - Sri Kalahastheeswara Swami Temple, Kalahasthi The Visuthi temple represents the fifth chakra, which is located in the throat. It is associated with the element of sound and governs the qualities of communication, self-expression, and spiritual wisdom. The temple is believed to be the center for purifying and balancing the mind and body. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Kalahastheeswara.

Anthagam - Natarajar Temple, Chidambaram The Anthagam temple represents the sixth chakra, which is located in the center of the forehead. It is associated with the element of light and governs the qualities of intuition, insight, and spiritual vision. The temple is believed to be the center for transcending the limitations of the material world and attaining spiritual enlightenment. The presiding deity of the temple is Lord Shiva, known as Natarajar.

The Aathara Stalam temples hold a significant place in the spiritual and cultural heritage of South India and Varanasi. They offer a unique insight into the Tantra philosophy and its emphasis on the connection between the human body, emotions, and spiritual experiences. The temples are not only places of worship but also centers of learning, where seekers can deepen their understanding of the chakras and their relationship with the divine. The Aathara Stalam temples have also been the site of many spiritual practices, including meditation, yoga, and various forms of rituals and ceremonies. Moreover, the Aathara Stalam temples represent the enduring legacy of India's rich cultural and religious diversity. They offer a window into the profound spiritual experiences of ancient times and a way to connect with the divine energy that exists within us. As such, the temples hold a special place in the hearts of millions of devotees and spiritual seekers who come to them seeking healing, guidance, and enlightenment. The Aathara Stalam temples are an essential part of India's spiritual heritage and continue to inspire and uplift people from all walks of life.