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Sri Janardanaswamy Temple

History of the temple

The temple of Sri Janardana is situated on the summit of a table-land adjoining the sea. It is located on one of the hill-tops, which is reached by a long and wearisome flight of steps and one feels tired on arriving at the feet of the Lord. At the entrance to the inner shrine are the idols of Hanuman and Garuda on either side and in the main shrine is the idol of Sri. Janardana with Sri Devi and Bhoo Devi.

The temple of Janardana is a fine example of Kerala art and architecture. The circular ‘Sanctum sanctorum" surmounted by a conical dome of copper sheets, the square ‘mandapa' with beautiful wooden carvings of Navagrahas on the ceiling and copper-plated roof over it, the quadrangular enclosures (prakara) around them, a hall containing a ‘bali peetha' in front of the inner temple are the characteristic features of Kerala style of architecture.

The construction period of this temple saw the rise of highly embellished temple. one of


the inscriptions indicates that the temple was improved during the reign of Umayamma Rani, who ruled this region during 1677-84 A.D. The main idol has a striking appearance with four arms having all the attributes of Vishnu. In the south-western corner and on the north-eastern side of the outer enclosure are the shrines of Sasta and Shiva with Nandi.

To the scientist, Varkala is well known from its geological formation and has been inspected and examined carefully by hordes or geologists and volumes of interesting literature are carefully preserved in the archives of the Government of India . Besides the unchanging sea-view, there is the backwater journey by canal hewn out of the tremendous heights of hills on either side of it. The vegetation on either side of the canal, rising in height is a magnificent sight, has given rise to a series of springs which gushes out sparkling water throughout the year. The water is supported to have medicinal properties which cure certain ailments. Even a single bath is a tonic which no traveller or visitor should miss.



4am to 8pm



PPJ5+QX6, Varkala, Kerala 695141

Phone: +91 471 2321132