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71.Badrinath Temple

History of the temple

Badrinath or Badrinarayana Temple is a Hindu temple dedicated to Vishnu. It is situated in the town of Badrinath in Uttarakhand, India. The temple is also one of the 108 Divya Desams dedicated to Vishnu - holy shrines for Vaishnavas - who is worshipped as Badrinath. It is open for six months every year (between the end of April and the beginning of November), because of extreme weather conditions in the Himalayan region.

The temple is located in Garhwal hill tracks in Chamoli district along the banks of Alaknanda River. It is one of the most visited pilgrimage centers of India, having recorded 2.8 million (28 lakh) visits in just 2 months in 2022.The image of the presiding deity worshipped in the temple is a 1 ft (0.30 m), the black granite deity of Vishnu in the form of Badrinarayan. The deity is considered by many Hindus to be one of eight svayam vyakta kshetras, or self-manifested deities of Vishnu.

Mata Murti Ka Mela, which commemorates the descent of


river Ganges on mother earth, is the most prominent festival celebrated in the Badrinath Temple. Although Badrinath is located in North India, the head priest, or Rawal, is traditionally a Nambudiri Brahmin chosen from the South Indian state of Kerala.

The temple was included in the Uttar Pradesh state government Act No. 30/1948 as Act no. 16,1939, which later came to be known as Shri Badarinath and Shri Kedarnath Mandir Act. The committee nominated by the state government administers both the temples and has seventeen members on its board.

The temple is mentioned in ancient religious texts like Vishnu Purana and Skanda Purana. It is glorified in the Naalayira Divya Prabandham, an early medieval Tamil canon of the Alvar saints from the 6th–9th centuries CE.

Badri refers to "Badrayana", another name for Rishi Ved Vyas who is believed to have resided in this region. It is also known as "Badarikashrama".Badrinath Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, it is located in Garhwal hill tracts along the banks of the Maa Alaknanda River in Chamoli District in Uttarakhand. Badrinath temple.

History shows us many legends of Lord Vishnu and according to these legends it is also known as or Badrinarayana.Badrinath has an average elevation of 3,100 metres (10,170 feet). It is in the Garhwal Himalayas, on the banks of the Alaknanda River. The town lies between the Nar and Narayana mountain ranges 9 km east of Nilkantha peak (6,596m). Badrinath is located 62 km northwest of Nanda Devi peak and 301 km north of Rishikesh. From Gaurikund (near Kedarnath) to Badrinath by road is 233 km.

According to the Köppen climate system, Badrinath's climate is humid continental (Dwb) bordering a subtropical highland climate (Cwb).Badrinath Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, it is located in Garhwal hill tracts along the banks of the Maa Alaknanda River in Chamoli District in Uttarakhand. Badrinath temple history shows us many legends of Lord Vishnu and according to these legends it is also known as or Badrinarayana.

Char Dham

Badrinath is a town and nagar panchayat in Chamoli district in the state of Uttarakhand, India. A Hindu holy place, it is one of the four sites in India's Char Dham pilgrimage and is also part of India's Chota Char Dham pilgrimage circuit.

It gets its name from the Badrinath Temple.

Badrinath was re-established as a major pilgrimage site by Adi Shankara in the 8th century In earlier days, pilgrims used to walk hundreds of miles to visit the Badrinath temple

The temple has been repeatedly destroyed by earthquakes and avalanches. As late as the First World War, the town consisted only of the 20-odd huts used by the temple's staff, but the site drew thousands each year and up to 50,000 on its duodecennial festivals (every twelve years) In recent years its popularity has increased still more, with an estimated 600,000 pilgrims visiting during the 2006 season, compared to 90,676 in 1961 

The temple in Badrinath is also a sacred pilgrimage site for Vaishnavites. Badrinath is also gateway to several mountaineering expeditions headed to mountains like Nilkantha.


Description: Badrinath Town


There is no historical record about the temple, but there is a mention of the presiding deity Badrinath in Vedic scriptures (c. 1750–500 BCE). According to some accounts, the shrine was worshipped in some form in the Vedic period.

The temple was a Buddhist shrine till the 8th century and Adi Shankara revived the shrine and converted it to a Hindu temple. The architecture of the temple resembling that of a Buddhist vihara (temple) and the brightly painted facade which is atypical of Buddhist temples leads to the argument.Other accounts relate that it was originally established as a pilgrimage site by Adi Shankara in the ninth century.

It is believed that Shankara resided in the place for six years from CE 814 to 820. He resided six months in Badrinath and the rest of the year in Kedarnath. Hindu followers assert that he discovered the deity of Badrinath in the Alaknanda River and enshrined it in a cave near the Tapt Kund hot springs. A traditional story asserts that Shankara expelled all the Buddhists in the region with the help of the Parmar ruler king Kanak Pal.

The hereditary successors of the king governed the temple and endowed villages to meet its expenses. The income from a set of villages on the route to the temple was used to feed and accommodate pilgrims. The Parmar rulers held the title "Bolanda Badrinath", meaning speaking Badrinath. They had other titles, including Shri 108 Basdrishcharyaparayan Garharaj Mahimahendra, Dharmabibhab, and Dharamarakshak Sigamani.


a rectangular tank with a house on the bank and with people taking bath in the hot springs

Tapt Kund hot springs next to Badrinath Temple, enclosed inside bath house

The throne of Badrinath was named after the presiding deity; the king enjoyed ritual obeisance by the devotees before proceeding to the shrine. The practice was continued until the late 19th century.During the 16th century, the King of Garhwal moved the murti to the present temple.

 When the state of Garhwal was divided, the Badrinath temple came under British rule but the king of Garhwal continued as the chairman of the management committee. The selection of priest is done after consultation between Garhwal and Travancore royal families.

The temple has undergone several major renovations due to its age and damage by an avalanche. In the 17th century, the temple was expanded by the Kings of Garhwal. After significant damage during the great 1803 Garhwal earthquake, it was largely rebuilt by the King of Jaipur.It was still under renovation as late as the 1870s but these were completed by the time of the First World War.

At that time, the town was still small, consisting of only the 20-odd huts housing the temple's staff, but the number of pilgrims was usually between seven and ten thousand. The Kumbha Mela festival held every twelve years raised the number of visitors to 50,000.The temple also enjoyed revenue from the rents owed to it by various villages bequeathed by various rajas.




06:00 am to 12:00 noon and 04:00 pm to 09:00 pm. In special days visiting times can be changed.

S.No Puja Name Timing Rate(INR)
1 Abhishek Puja (Bandhan) For 10 years 44201
2 Akhand Jyoti Annual-Non Attending As Per Norms 4951
3 Astotari Path (Bandhan) For 10 years 4031
4 Atka Prasad by the Ordinary Mail For 5 years 421
5 Atka Prasad under Regd. Post For 5 years 980
6 Bal Bhog (Bandhan) For 10 years 7301
7 Bhagwan Nar-Narayan Janmotsava In Srawan Month 4951
8 Chandi Aarti (Bandhan) For 10 years 2731
9 Deep Malika Utsava On Deepawali 4951
10 Donation for Renovation Work Any Time 100
11 Gaddi Bhent Any Time 100
12 Ghee for Deepak on Closing Day As Per Norms 4951
13 Ghrit Kambal Ghee on Closing Day As Per Norms 4951
14 Karpoor Aarti (Bandhan) For 10 years 1951
15 Kheer Bhog As Per Norms 911
16 Mahabhog (Bandhan) For 10 years 32501
17 Mata Murti Utsava On Vaman Dwadasi 4951
18 Nitya Niyam Bhog As Per Norms 10551
19 Nitya Niyam Bhog for Deities of Subordinate Temple As Per Norms 6351
20 Pind Prasad As Per Norms 101
21 Shri Krishna Janmastami Utsava As Per Norms 10551
22 Special Donation Any Time 100
23 Srarwani Rudrabhishek In Srawan Month 11701
24 Swaran Aarti (Bandhan) For 10 years 5201
25 Vishnu Sahasranamawali (Bandhan) For 10 years 9101
26 Vishnu Sahasranm Path (Bandhan) For 10 years 7411
27 Yatri Bhog As Per Norms 101

Abhishek Puja                                           4:30am to 6:30am    
Akhand Jyoti One Day-Non Attending       As Per Norms    
Astotari Puja                                              Between 5pm to 7pm (For 5-10 minutes)
Chandi Arti                                                 Between 5pm to 7pm (For 5-10 minutes)
Entire Pujas of a Day                                Morning till Evening    
Geeta Path                                                Morning 7:30AM to 12 Noon & Evening 3 PM to 5 PM
Karpoor Arti                                               Between 5pm to 7pm (For 5-10 minutes)    
Maha-Abhishek Puja                                4:30am to 6:30am    
Shayan Aarti with Geet Govind Path        End of the Day
Shrimad Bhagwat Sapth Path                  For One WeeK
Swaran Aarti                                             Between 5pm to 7pm (For 5-10 minutes)
Ved Path                                                  Morning 7:30AM to 12 Noon & Evening 3 PM to 5 PM
Vishnusahasranamawali Path                 Between 5pm to 7pm (For 5-10 minutes)
Vishnusahasranam Path                         Between 6pm to 9pm (For 10-15 minutes)




Badrinath Temple Road, Badrinath, Uttarakhand 246422, Contact Number :+91-8826366174